Saturday, April 5, 2008

Drinking Water Wisdom provides a platform for articles and comments about issues related to your local and our global water crisis.

Drinking Water Wisdom Blog provides anyone interested in local or global water issues a platform for posting articles, commentary and anecdotes.
The issues surrounding the global water crisis involve

  1. availability of water,
  2. water quality
  3. distribution of water resources.

Information about many of the issues involved with providing safe water to a thirsty world is summarized in the Drinking Water Wisdom website. I encourage you to read the articles in this highly informative and pertinent website.

My introduction to the crisis the world is facing began with our purchase by my son, Nick, of a website that sells British Berkefeld and Berkey brand water filters called 911water. Additional information pertaining to potential solutions to providing safe water to families everyday and in an emergency are presented on this site as well as products that we truly believe belong in every home and business. Look them over and let us know what you think about them.,

With that said we encourage you to help us make this blog a valuable resource by contributing your comments and sharing your drinking water wisdom.

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